[python] Please confirm your message | Nachricht bitte bestaetigen

Marc Aurel marc na bong.a42.de
Úterý Září 2 12:49:24 CEST 2003

Your e-mail message with the subject of "Re: Details"
is being held because your address 
<python na py.cz> was not recognized.

To release your message for delivery, please send an empty message
to the following address, or use your mailer's "Reply" feature.

Deine Mail mit dem Betreff "Re: Details"
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Um die Nachricht zustellen zu lassen, sende bitte eine leere
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"Antworten" Deines Mailers.

   marc-confirm-1062499764.13109.86a8c2 na bong.a42.de

Diese Bestaetigung stellt sicher, dass es sich bei Deiner Mail
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This confirmation verifies that your message is legitimate and not

[ This notice was generated by TMDA/0.81 (http://tmda.net/),
  an automated junk-mail reduction system. ]
------------- další část ---------------
An embedded message was scrubbed...
From: <python na py.cz>
Subject: Re: Details
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 12:48:46 +0200
Size: 774
URL: <http://www.py.cz/pipermail/python/attachments/20030902/a04d883c/attachment.mht>

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