[python] os.listdir

Novák Jan - Topinfo s.r.o. jan.novak na topinfo.cz
Pátek Prosinec 1 10:19:28 CET 2006

Narazil jsem na zajímavé chování os.listdir, pokud máte v souborech
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os.listdir Python documentace
Changed in version 2.3: On Windows NT/2k/XP and Unix, if path is a Unicode
object, the result will be a list of Unicode objects.. 

os.listdir(u"path") returns Unicode strings for names that can be decoded
with sys.getfilesystemencoding() but silently returns byte strings for names
that can't be decoded. That is, the return value of os.listdir(u"path") is
potentially a mixed list of Unicode and byte strings.

Python/2.4.2 (WXP)
>>> import os, sys
>>> sys.getfilesystemencoding()
>>> os.listdir(u'path')
['aaa.txt', 'bbb.txt', '\xe8e\x9atina.txt', 'ccc.txt']
>>> os.listdir(u'path')
[u'aaa.txt', u'bbb.txt', u'\u010de\u0161tina.txt', u'ccc.txt']
>>> ...OK 3. je unicode

Python/2.4.4 (Debian)
>>> import os, sys
>>> sys.getfilesystemencoding()
>>> os.listdir('path')
['aaa.txt', 'bbb.txt', '\xe8e\xb9tina.txt', 'ccc.txt']
>>> os.listdir(u'path')
[u'aaa.txt', u'bbb.txt', '\xe8e\xb9tina.txt', u'ccc.txt']
>>> ...? 3. není unicode

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