[python] round v python 3.0

Stepan Wagner stepan.wagner na gmail.com
Neděle Únor 1 16:28:07 CET 2009

citace ze stranky http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rounding#Round-to-even_method

"""When dealing with large sets of scientific or statistical data,
where trends are important, traditional rounding on average biases the
data upwards slightly. Over a large set of data, or when many
subsequent rounding operations are performed as in digital signal
processing, the round-to-even rule tends to reduce the total rounding
error, with (on average) an equal portion of numbers rounding up as
rounding down. This generally reduces upwards skewing of the


2009/2/1 Pavel Kosina <geon na post.cz>:
> Nevíte někdo, *proč* v Python 3.0 platí:
>>>> round(0.5)
> 0
>>>> round (1.5)
> 2
>>>> round (2.5)
> 2
>>>> round (3.5)
> 4
> Jo, máme to napsané v manuálu, že to takhle je
> http://docs.python.org/3.0/library/functions.html#round, ale mě zajímá proč
> to je takto, a ne podle toho, jak se to učí v 5. třídě, tedy že od pětky
> včetně nahoru se zaokrouhluje nahoru vždy, a ne jen někdy .....
> Díky
> --
> geon
> Pavel Kosina
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