[python] Fwd: [SciPy-Dev] Python trademark in legal trouble in Europe, please help

Mike mike na frcatel.fri.uniza.sk
Pátek Únor 15 17:28:08 CET 2013

Je to velmi dolezite, asi podobne, ako ked si volakedy niekto v USA chcel 
patentovat Linux.

Miso K.

-------- Original Message --------
Predmet: [SciPy-Dev] Python trademark in legal trouble in Europe, please 
Dátum: 14.2.2013 23:56
Odosielateµ: Fernando Perez <fperez.net na gmail.com>
Adresát: Fernando Perez <fperez.net na gmail.com>
Odpoveda» na: SciPy Developers List <scipy-dev na scipy.org>

Hi all,

please do NOT respond to this thread or to me directly.  This is
strictly to spread this message as widely as possible, so that anyone
who receives it and can act on it does so.  Needless to say, do
forward this to anyone you think might be in a position to take useful

The Python trademark is in serious risk across Europe due to the
actions of a UK-based IP troll.  If you operate in Europe, please help
the Python Software Foundation gather evidence in the legal battle to
protect the Python trademark across the EU.  You can find the official
blog post from the PSF with instructions on how to help here:


and this thread on Hacker News is being monitored by the PSF Chairman
Van Lindberg in case you want to ask the team directly any questions:



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