[python] PyCon PL with full English track and some English workshops

fklebczyk na gmail.com fklebczyk na gmail.com
Pátek Březen 31 13:33:17 CEST 2017

Ahoj! :)

I would like to announce that we will be having a full English track at PyCon PL conference (17-20th of October). This year's location is Szczyrk, which is very near the border of Czech Republic (only 1h by car from Ostrava) and Slovakia (1h 30 min from Żilina). It is worth to mention that it is one of the most affordable Python conferences in this part of Europe (having in mind that accomodation and meals are included in the price).

Talks/workshops in English:
"Circus" Tarek Ziadé
"Coding Dojo Introduction" Nicholas H.Tollervey
"Coding Dojo (workshop)" Nicholas H.Tollervey
"Debugging with Uncle Pólya" Peter Inglesby
"Developing Android application with Python & Qt" Martin Kolman
"Developing Android application with Python & Qt (workshop)" Martin Kolman
"Explore your data" Honza Král
"Exploring the theory of regular expressions" Peter Inglesby
"How to bring sanity to dynamic typing and when to prefer insanity" Markus Törnqvist
"How to test it?" Szymon Pyżalski
"Implementation of PyCUDA, an Example" Aditya Atluri
"I see OpenStack in your future!!" Muharem Hrnjadovic
"Packaging Python applications" Piotr Banaszkiewicz 
"Python For Penetration Testing" Oltjano Terpollari
"The Anaconda Fedora and RHEL installer" Martin Kolman
"Vaurien" Tarek Ziadé

More talks to be announced in the next weeks. Around 300 or more attendees expected this year.


Filip Kłębczyk
PyCon PL Organizer

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